Participate in the Parks and Recreation Master Plan

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

The city of Sault Ste. Marie has released its draft Parks and Recreation Master Plan, a comprehensive roadmap outlining the provision of parks and recreation services for the next decade, spanning from 2024 to 2034. The document outlines future endeavors, identifies priorities, proposes implementation timelines, and serves as a guide for decision-making processes. 
The multi-phased project that commenced in the summer of 2023, has been a collaborative effort involving extensive community engagement. Phases one and two concentrated on establishing the current landscape and gathering input from various users. Phase three involved in-depth needs assessments, drawing from feedback from Council, residents, and community organizations, as well as comprehensive data analysis and review of relevant plans and studies. In Phase 4, the public is invited to review the draft Plan and provide feedback. 
“Public engagement is crucial in ensuring that the final document accurately reflects the needs and aspirations of our community. We value the input of our community and user groups in shaping the future of parks and recreation in Sault Ste. Marie," said Brent Lamming, Director of Community Services. "This draft represents our collective vision, and we encourage everyone to take part in this important process."
Public comments and feedback on the draft Parks and Recreation Master Plan can be submitted via the survey link below:

Parks and Recreation Master Plan Input - Click here

Following the review period, the finalized Plan will be presented to Council for approval. For more information and to access the draft Parks and Recreation Master Plan, contact 705-759-5310 or

Complete Draft Parks and Recreation Master Plan

Parks and Recreation Master Plan - Summary Document
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Sault Ste. Marie, ON
P6A 5X6